Sports in Prison. A Plan for the Future is an Eramsus+project that focuses on the need for the development of good sports programmes with more connection between the ‘outside world’ and the world inside the walls.
Although sports programmes in prison have been associated with various positive outcomes (psychological, health, empowerment,…), it has become apparent that there is a lack of knowledge at the European level to develop these programmes properly. Furthermore, there is a lack of connection with the ‘outside world’. This means that good practices based on sport that exist in the ‘outside world’ do not reach the individual detainee. There is no follow-up once outside the prison walls. This is a missed opportunity. Sport can be very important on a social level for the ex-prisoner and his/her social environment. This SPPF- project will try to fill in this lack and focuses on the development of qualitative sports programs for inmates, with a focus on better connecting between the world inside and outside prison walls. Through good practices in European prisons, this project elaborated a shared vision and new tools to develop targeted sports programs.
- Developing high quality sports programs with a better connection between the world inside and outside the prison walls.
- Facilitating innovative partnerships between prisons, prisoners, prison staff, sport federations, clubs, volunteers and social partners.
- Trying to develop a maximum impact on the social environment of the prisoners by developing follow-up trajectories for ex-prisoners.
- Offering prisoners a perspective to be socially active, to work out social networks and to battle social isolation
- scientific and valid research (literature & survey)
- developing, testing and implementing learning areas in 5 European partner countries
- process & product evaluations
- developing a European toolkit to set up good practices for operators/ practitioners on a local level within a European context.
- formulate policy recommendations for governments, prison directions and all stakeholders
SPPF is a 3 year project that started in January 2020 and will end in December 2022.
Thursday, December 15, 2022, the SPPF consortium will organize an International Symposium “Sports in Prison. A step towards rehabilitation?”
More info? Please contact Bloeme van Roemburg, project supervisor:
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