The Erasmus+ project Sports in Prison, A Plan for the Future (SPPF) is a partnership between 6 European partners, in particular  Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti (UISP) Italy, United professionals for sustainable development Association (UPSDA) Bulgaria, Association for Creative social work (UKSR) Croatia, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen (DJI) The Netherlands. De Rode Antraciet vzw (Belgium) supervises the SPPF project. 

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.


De Rode Antraciet vzw

De Rode Antraciet vzw is a non-profit expert organisation for implementing both sport and culture within the prison sector in Flanders and Brussels, as participation (with)in both sports and cultural activities is a right for all. De Rode Antraciet is a partner organisation within the ‘Flemish Strategic Plan for prisoners’ of the Flemish government and has a management agreement with the ministers of Culture, Sport and Wellbeing. De Rode Antraciet vzw works on a maximum interaction between prisoners and the outside world. That is the driving force behind De Rode Antraciet vzw, to organize sports and culture in the prisons of Flanders and Brussels. As a result prisoners get the opportunity to commit, self-develop and build social contacts. Together with a network of partners it brings oxygen from the outside world into the prison, and takes stories and realizations from prison to the outside world. The organisation helps to make the not straightforward possible: a necessary interaction    between prisoners and society. The collaboration with the prisoners, prison boards and staff, Flemish community, sports monitors and other (sports) partners and external partners is essential for us.


VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) – Belgium  

The first research group ‘Sport and Society’ (SASO), is part of the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The mission of SASO is to better understand the underlying mechanisms and outcomes of sports practices. The second research group that will be involved in SPPF is the interdisciplinary research group ‘Participation and Learning in Detention’ (PALD). PALD brings together various academics from the fields of education sciences, criminology and physical education. The research projects of PALD focus on the active involvement of prisoners in the organisation of prison life.


UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) – Italy

UISP is a national association. UISP is formally recognised by the Italian Olympic Committee as a ‘Sport Promotion Association’, by the Italian Ministry of the Interior as a social assistance body and it is registered on the official list of Italian organisations for social promotion through sport. UISP has cooperation agreements with the Ministry of Justice for the realisation of activities in favour of prisoners and the Ministry of Health for the realisation of activities for the promotion of general health. UISP promotes the different faces of “sport for all” and its social value. In particular, the themes of solidarity, inclusion and socialisation are held in high regard.


UPSDA (Sdrujenie Obedineni profesionalisti za ustoichivo razvitie) – Bulgaria

UPSDA is an alliance of professionals from different backgrounds. The cooperation aims at sustainable development through transfer of knowledge, skills and creative ideas. UPSDA initiates, develops and implements projects that add social value. UPSDA adopts a holistic approach and considers prisoners and prisons as part of society. UPSDA develops more and more interactive projects between the prison and its inmates and the ‘outside world’. UPSDA worked within the ‘Move Week’ project and has worked on sports and grass root event management within this project. UPSDA is working in Plovdiv prison.


DJI (Netherlands Judicial Institutions Agency) – Netherlands

The ‘Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen (DJI)’ is an agency of the Ministry of Security and Justice in the Netherlands. On behalf of the Ministry, this agency takes care of the execution of punishments. PI Veenhuizen participate in SPPF. PI Veenhuizen has a population of about 550 prisoners and guarantees a detention climate based on a sober, safe and dignified basic regime. Social integration is an  important guiding principle for all employees involved in the detention and detainee-related processes. PI Veenhuizen is one of the prisons involved in the Dutch national reintegration project ‘Work Through Sport’. The prison cooperates with various sports clubs in North Holland. In this way, the prison, in cooperation with the clubs, offers prisoners the possibility to start working as a volunteer at the club. It gives the prisoners a new social life in the club and the opportunity to find a paid job, with the help of the networks of the different clubs involved.


   UKSR (Udruga za kreativni socijalni rad) – Croatia

Association for Creative Social Work (ACSW) is a non-governmental organisation, whose aim is to use creative social work as a tool for supporting and guiding disadvantaged groups in fulfilling their potential. In 2005, the activities of the organisation were structured in the first projects and since then we have been working with young people with fewer opportunities, prisoners and their families and professionals who support them.   ACSW’s work focuses on homes for children and young people without adequate parental care; institutions for young people with behavioural problems; adoptive families in danger; ex-addicts in the process of rehabilitation in abstinence; prisoners, probationers or recently released; educators and youth workers; members of the local community who recognise the need for active involvement.
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